Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Cory's First Post

As Justen said, I should be working on my thesis. But, sometimes I get so sick of it that I just can't do it any longer. Luckily, Justen has provided me with yet another distraction (this blog). Other distractions in my life include my sweet little Addi, the new home and the fun and not so fun chores that come with it, family vacations including Montana, Idaho, Colorado, Minnesota, and Wyoming in the past two months, and the endless hours I enjoy devoting to studying up on nutrition and real estate.

Well, I can't wait to share the adventures of the Justen-Cory-Addison gang and learn about all of yours!

1 comment:

Carrfamily said...

Great Blog. I will be sure to check it out from time to time. Love, Dad